WESTERN MUSIC VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL Learning to play an instrument involves much more than the voice or fingers playing an instrument; it taps into multiple skill sets, teaches one to be organized, enhances perseverance and coordination as well as a host of other benefits.

INDIAN MUSIC & DANCE The objective of the ‘Dance and Music Club’ is to create an exchange of different cultures related to dance, across India. The aim is to learn different dances, understand the music of each kind of dance, appreciate every form and learn to choreograph our own pieces, using the required skills. Deepening our student’s love of music and supporting their journey to becoming an accomplished musician, our extensive vocal and instrumental music program enables students to work with professionally qualified and experienced private music tutors during

ART AND CRAFT Students work in various media like pencil sketch, painting, sculptures with clay and plaster, print making like mono prints, etching and serigraphy, pottery and textile dyeing. The Art exhibition is a testimony to their blossoming imagination as well as a critical and intensely personal record of themselves in relation to the world. In every child, it prompts a process of reflection and evaluation; encourages them to challenge their own creative and cultural expectations and boundaries.

POTTERY Students who take part in pottery learn how to use different clay building techniques. They are encouraged to think creatively and independently and produce original and exciting works made from clay. They learn how to add different decorations and how to carve patterns successfully. The products which are later displayed include varieties like clay shoes, Tea light holders, sliced fruit /vegetables and various kinds of flowers. Works of expert Ceramists like Kate Malone are used to demonstrate simplification of tasks.

CARPENTRY Woodworking provides an excellent play situation for children to engage in problem solving – an important skill for children to develop from an early age for their future. Children will also be developing eye-hand coordination, their spatial awareness, their sense of precision, and understanding how to use potentially dangerous tools safely.

NEEDLE WORK Good basic needlework is not just an activity but a life skill. In the context of an age ruled by technology, teaching handwork ensures that the country’s rich tradition and culture is passed down from one generation to the next. The skills required in these creative arts not only bring about a renewal of interest and pride in our culture but also develops focus and concentration, hand and eye coordination and enhances critical thinking and math skills.

COOKERY Basic concepts of cookery, cooking different dishes, safety aspects in the kitchen and nutrition, Use of basic kitchen implements, identification and utilization of seasonal vegetables and improvising recipes are done through group and individual work under able teacher supervision. Both local and international recipes are used and care is taken to ensure all students are given a chance to get a hands-on experience. Food is inescapable: no matter where you are, you always need to eat! However, the ability to turn this necessity into something enjoyable is a true skill.

READING Reading is a main goal to develop great enthusiasm in the reader for reading and writing. It is more important for the child to learn to love reading itself. If the reader finishes one book and asks for another, you know you are succeeded in accomplishing your beginning goals. Reading is fundamental to functioning in today’s society. Reading is important because it develops the mind

BOOK FAIR The School hosts a Book Fair every year in which leading publishers take part. Parents and students are invited to participate and make use of this excellent opportunity and buy a variety of useful publications. The book fair provides a unique platform for developing good reading habits and raising awareness about the importance of books in our daily lives as a store-house of knowledge.

DRAMA Drama is considered to be an important learning tool at The Sanjivani International School. It aims at development of self confidence through expressing and exploring oneself. The Theme Assembly is active round the year and teaches the art of play building, voice projection, stage management, engaging the audience, co-ordination, making of props, etc. Drama is also an important component of class room curriculum where children engage in role plays, play building, dramatization to further understand characters and stories and development of literary skills